“If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.” Romans 12:18
April 27, 2023
Do you want to know what it means to present our bodies as a living sacrifice to God? One way, and it’s looking straight at us, is taking a big step toward being a peacemaker by learning to overcome impatience. We are not to repay anyone evil for evil. Lest we forget, love is patient (1 Cor. 13:4). We cannot overcome impatience on our own. We need the enabling power of the Holy Spirit and to stay hydrated with the water of God’s Word. The root of impatience is a heavy weight boxer named selfishness. It is the demand that everything be done to please me. God does not merely say stop being impatient. He says start doing certain things. Stop thinking the worst. Start thinking the best. Stop thinking about what others can do for you. Start thinking about what you can do for others. Stop being rigid and inflexible. Start yielding to others whenever you can without forsaking biblical principles. Stop hurting people who hurt you. Start helping people who hurt you. Stop condemning others for failure. Start remembering that we also have failed. Do I run from problems? My responsibility as a Christian is to face conflict and put out the flames of quarrels before they burn the bridges.
“To lengthen my patience is the best way to shorten my troubles.” George Swinnock