“He has helped his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy, as he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to his offspring forever.” Luke 1:54-55
December 22, 2023
Mary knew the history of her people, Israel. She speaks in awe of God’s promise to Abraham. God doesn’t forget His covenant with Abraham and Mary knew that. It was all bound up in mercy, the gift of Israel’s Messiah. With Abraham begins the story of God’s creation of Israel: the promise to bless him (Gen. 12:1-3), to make his name great, to give him many physical descendants (Gen. 13:14-15), to make him a father of a multitude of nations (Gen. 17:4-5), to give him the land of Canaan for an everlasting possession, to bless those who bless him and curse those who curse him. Mary rejoiced in the unconditional covenant God had made with Abraham. There was a truth that made Mary think so clearly about the future of her child, the nation of Israel, and the world. It will be through her child that all the wonderful promises to Abraham will find fulfillment. Mary, as a soon to be mother, understood that what God was doing in her life was grounded in commitments made long ago but not forgotten. The honor bestowed upon her was humbling. There are no little people among God’s servants. Do not forget this, my friend. God can bless the world as He blesses it through Christ in us. Find your place among fellow believers to celebrate the hope we have in Mary’s child, Christ the Lord.