“The wisdom of the prudent is to discern his way, but the folly of fools is deceiving.” Proverbs 14:8
September 11, 2024
I recently heard the story of a lady in her 60s who loved to hike. With the support of her husband she was determined to hike the Appalachian Trail. It went well for a while until she had to create her own bathroom stop. She walked off the Trail for about twenty yards. However she couldn’t find her way back to where she thought the Trail was. She began to wander farther and farther into the dense woods. She was eventually found about two years later, her bones wrapped in her sleeping bag. Wisdom tells us that there is a right way and a wrong way to make decisions. Walking the trail of life necessitates being a wise decision maker. This means thinking things through and not being easily deceived: “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Psa. 119:105). The new secular orthodoxy of our society makes a massive commitment to self-deception and with it the deception of others. Are you mastering the skill of how to make deductions from Bible truths, aka, gaining wisdom? The fool is easily taken in by appearances. Visual images being more important than right thoughts, ideas, and truth. A sure way to get oneself lost in the woods of life is to interpret circumstances by feelings and intuition (“following your heart”).
“Lord, keep me on the right path through life by being conscious of deceptive desires that can lead me into deadly places.”
“The essence of folly is mental dishonesty, not merely falling short of the truth…but side-stepping it.” Derek Kidner