“Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” Matthew 5:5
October 18, 2024
“Docile, yielding, acquiescent, unresisting, compliant, spineless, weak-kneed, lamb like, unassertive, tolerant.” These are some of the words found as suggested synonyms for the word meek. Piling on further is the mockery of meekness to describe someone who doesn’t fight back and is easy to push around. Is this the kind of deposition that Jesus says will inherit the earth? Not by a long shot. The world of Jesus was dominated by Roman rule, zealots (Jewish terrorists), and religious bullies. There are powers that want to push Christians around. The truth is that those who exhibit meekness today are people who will one day own the world. It will become their inheritance. The meek of whom Jesus speaks are strong with a well developed sense of what is right and what is wrong. They subdue their anger in the interests of God’s glory. Jesus is the perfect example. He didn’t have to resort to feats of strength to prove Himself. We are meek when our frustrations are under control allowing the strength of love to function. We are meek when our strengths – physical, intellectual, and material – are under control for fear that if it all is unleashed another person would be destroyed.
“Father, teach me not to seek to overpower people by force but instead place myself beside others to help.”