“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.” Hebrews 12:1
December 30, 2024
Road trips require planning ahead. All disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ are taking a road trip and the best part of it is the destination. In Hebrews 11 we have the benefit of those who have lived by faith and have endured hardships because of the joy set before them. You may want to think of the journey as a long distance race. If you are not excited by this word picture use your imagination. Encouragement for the coming year (365 days as only part of the longer distance) can be drawn from those who have finished the race. We have witnesses to challenge us by what pleases God. Look at some of the advantages we have that many of our spiritual ancestors did not have (thinking primarily of believers in the hall of faith like Abel, Enoch, Noah, etc.). We are motivated, not because they see us, but because we see them. They meditated on God’s Word. We read of them and learn from the Old Testament, and of course the New Testament, which they did not have. Are we doing things that could be slowing us down in our trip to the Celestial City, Heaven? It would be good to take some time for reflective self-examination. It is wise preparation for the days ahead to set aside anything that hinders our progress in the race. It could be something, otherwise good, that weighs us down spiritually (thanks to Kent Hughes for this thought). Future Glory with Christ forever. How is my progress going, becoming more like Christ?
“O Lord of my life and of the coming kingdom, are there habits, friendships, hobbies, places, pleasures, entertainment, honors, self-imposed goals that are slowing me down?”