“And as he sowed, some seed fell along the path, and the birds came and devoured it….when they hear, Satan immediately comes and takes away the word that is sown in them.” Mark 4:4, 15
January 17, 2025
Jesus used short, true to life stories to illustrate biblical truth. One of those was that of a man sowing seed by scattering it out upon soil that had been turned over. However, foot paths often went through such fields. Some seed would fall upon the packed ground and birds would immediately come and take the seed away. The sower is Christ and those who represent Him. The seed is the gospel message. The unbelieving hearer collaborates with Satan by treating the gospel as unimportant. Many of the religious leaders were examples of this kind of response. Have you witnessed to people about Jesus Christ by sharing the gospel, giving them something to read, or having them sit with you in church service? The condition of the soil, the heart’s response, determines what happens. Perhaps you know someone who has heard the truth of the gospel but has treated it as insignificant. Religious people especially can think the life they are enjoying is good enough for them. Satan will pick the seed of the truth off the surface of the heart. This will happen if one thinks that Jesus is something He is not.
Do you know people who think their life in a church will save them from an eternal hell? Tragically, there are those who think their good works will get them to heaven. Don’t let this discourage you from sowing the seed of the gospel wherever and whenever you can.