God’s Winter

“While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.” Genesis 8:22

January 22, 2025

The seasons of the year bring their special memories. The cold winter winds rattling the windows of our once upon a time houses. Ice storms that shut down cities. Trees barren of their leaves create a stark landscape. Snow that stills the show as it silently descends during a frigid night. God created the seasons to remind us of the consequences of a global flood sent upon a humanity filled with sinful madness. Yet God told Noah that “while the earth remains.” As long as the earth exists in its probationary state there will be “limited uniformitarianism.” The seasonal cycle is guaranteed to continue uninterrupted until the new heavens and the new earth become a reality. Heat and cold, day and night tells us that “a million universal floods would be no substitute for the work of Christ, which alone can cleanse from sin.” Climate change will not be the end of us. God is preserving the earth until the final judgment (2 Peter. 3:7,13). Winter’s snow covering the landscape tells a story. Winter is a forecast of better weather to come, Christ’s eternal kingdom.