“The poor man died and was carried by the angels to Abraham’s side. The rich man also died and was buried, and in Hades , being in torment, he lifted up his eyes…” Luke 16:22-23a
January 31, 2025
Two current news events heighten our attention to what happens one minute after we die. AI (artificial intelligence) is capable of creating a -fictional- account of what a deceased person would be saying to us. The other event is the collision of two aircraft over the Potomac River and the death of 67 people. Jesus gives the account of the death of two men, one a poor man named Lazarus and a rich name who is nameless. There is debate about whether this is an historical event or a parable (Luke 16:19-31). But even being a parable does not make it “make believe.” It is quite possible that plain literal and figurative literal language is used. Bottom line, this really happened, or shall we say really happens. “Scripture teaches that those who die will go to a real place, either the present Heaven or the present Hell, as conscious human beings with memory of their lives and relationships on Earth” (Randy Alcorn, Heaven). The first biblical truth that emerges is that storing up treasures on earth rather than in heaven is evidence of one’s theology.
Until the next Morning Minute, think about where you will be one minute after you die.
Many live by the theology of an empty universe (i.e., how one thinks about God or doesn’t think about God).