
And he said, “See that you are not led astray. For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am he!’ and, ‘The time is at hand!’ Do not go after them.” Luke 21:8

February 12, 2025

Before Jesus Christ comes again many will be seduced by false hopes. Jesus took the time to warn His disciples about false teachers who will cause their followers to become victims of false expectations. These theological wolves will be adorned in sheep’s clothing. Fictions of human opinion regarding God, life, and death exist like quick-sand. Self-proclaimed saviors can be charming, articulate with a message that promises its hearers special messages from God, guaranteed healing, proposed solutions to social ills, personal happiness, and meaning. These messengers can be secular or religious. One such system of thought uses the vocabulary of “diversity, equity, and inclusion.” These terms are vacated of their biblical meaning and, like fentanyl, are disguised as candy or medicine. They represent ideas that are morally, socially, and spiritually lethal. Jesus said, “don’t go after them.” The best defense is a mind saturated with sound biblical teaching under the influence of the Holy Spirit. Beware of ideologies and any scheme of thought which empties the true meaning of words and substitutes evil deceptions.
“O Holy God, give me the wisdom to reject those who offer false hopes.”