“But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin.” Mark 3:29
February 19, 2025
More than likely most have had the experience of setting out on a journey and then realize at some point that you need to turn around and go back. We forgot something very important. However, there is the ultimate tragedy in life’s journey of committing what has been called the unpardonable sin. It is possible to harden one’s heart against the convicting work of the Holy Spirit. A defiant attitude of unbelief and the rejection of God’s salvation in Christ is unforgivable. Those who are at the greatest risk to commit this sin are those who are familiar with the Scriptures and maybe have grown up in and around the church. Yet to live and die with the fist of defiance in God’s face is to invite eternal damnation. When one willfully rejects the saving power and grace of God as found in Jesus Christ is to commit spiritual suicide. There is no turning around from having said no to God’s offer of forgiveness. There is no greater sin that you can commit than to try to establish your own righteousness as the means into God’s heaven.
“The unpardonable sin is the impeaching of the testimony of the Holy Spirit.” John MacArthur