A Place to Hide

“You are a hiding place for me; you preserve me from trouble; you surround me with shouts of deliverance. Selah” Psalm 32:7

February 24, 2025

It seems that a generation of young people are looking for a “safe place.” They are wearing their fears on their sleeves. But the truth is that everyone outside of Christ is looking for a place to hide. I can remember when my brother and I thought we had a great hiding place in what was the coal bin in front of our apartment (1947). It became obvious where we had hidden by the black coal dust covering our clothes. David, the psalmist, upon confessing his sin testifies (Psa. 32:6) that forgiveness from God was the ultimate hiding place in this life, both in the trouble infested waters of daily living and the final judgment of God. He had been hiding from God (Psa. 32:3,4), covered by the coal dust of disobedience. Let it be known that to be hidden by God does not mean running from problems, but is to run to God. His wisdom, guidance, and loving care are the safe place we crave. Are you experiencing it?
“We need a refuge from the pride of man and the strife of tongues, and we may find both in the secret of His Presence (Psa. 31:20). There is a Hiding Place!” Vance Havner