A Sin We Tolerate

“So put away all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander.” 1 Peter 2:1

December 16, 2022

Name that sin. It is one which too often goes without rebuke or repentance. It is a form of lying. It does damage to the reputation of another person. Its prevalence is a mark of a corrupt society. It is listed in Scripture in the same company with murder, pride, envy, and anger. The Christian is told to put it off, get rid of it, and replace it with kindness and forgiveness. Are these enough clues? It is the sin of making a false statement or misrepresentation about another person that defames or damages the person’s reputation. It is slander. How easily we can slip into it, especially when we think we have the moral high ground. Political campaigns are full of it. If you have ever been on the receiving end of slander you know how difficult it is to get your reputation back. As we go below the surface of slander we meet sin’s monstrous motives like seeking to gain a selfish advantage over someone else. Where are we to start in declaring war on character assassination? First of all, see it for what it is. It is lying and God hates it. Realize the devastating effect it has on relationships. Confess the sin to God. Secondly, insist on asking yourself, “Is it true?” Thirdly, set the example of how to live with a generous love for others and get a harness on that tongue.
“Gracious Lord, I need the grace of greater vigilance in not allowing myself to ascribe wrong motives to other people and blowing out of proportion the sins of others to make myself look better.”