This site is dedicated to offering hope, joy, and light for life’s journey through the expository preaching and teaching of Dr. Howard E. Dial.

Dr. Dial leaves a legacy of faithful ministry. He has served as pastor of the McNeely Memorial Church in Lewisburg, Indiana from 1965 to 1968; Academic Dean at Carver Bible College in Atlanta, Georgia; Instructor in Bible at Carver Bible College; Adjunct faculty member for Columbia International University; Instructor in Bible for Trinity College and Seminary, Newburgh, Indiana; Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Atlanta Biblical Counseling Center; a member of the Board of Directors of Carver Bible College; and a member of the Board of Reference for the Fellowship of Christian Airline Personnel. Dr. Dial has participated in overseas ministry in Romania, Guyana, the Philippines, India, and Kazakhstan.
In 1970 the providence of God opened the door for starting a Bible study after his African American friend was not accepted for membership at Dr. Dial’s church. This Bible study eventually became Berachah Bible Church where Pastor Dial served as senior pastor for over 40 years and pastor emeritus for many years thereafter. He and his wife of over 50 years, Beth, have lovingly and faithfully served and led the Berachah congregation as well as many outside the church, inspiring a commitment to deep, rich study of God’s Word and a love for and devotion to Jesus Christ. We dedicate this site to preserving and continuing their work that others may also find hope, joy, and light for their journey.
You can access Dr. Dial’s daily “Morning Minutes” as well as his sermons, articles, and other works. LightfortheJourney.org provides multimedia distribution of hundreds of Dr. Dial’s works compiled from the 1970s to the present.
We have also included several Ladies Bible Studies written by Beth Dial and other women in the Berachah congregation. Beth Dial received a B.A. in Biblical Education from Columbia Bible College (Now Columbia International University).
This is a free resource made possible by LightfortheJourney.org, working in conjunction with Pastor and Mrs. Dial.