Asleep at the Wheel

“They will say, ‘Where is the promise of his coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all things are continuing as they were from the beginning of creation.'” 2 Peter 3:4

May 12, 2023

Our world is asleep at the wheel, driving headlong toward the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Ironically, many even boast at being “woke.” The truth is that true wokeness is being alert to the transformation of life that comes with an understanding of Bible prophecy. Its impact is to make us patient people (Jas. 5:7), to comfort us (1 Thess. 4:18), to make us wise in the use of time and resources (1 Tim. 4:1), and be consistently obedient to God (Rev. 2:25; 3:11). Peter warns believers of two hostile arguments used by those who reject the final authority of the Bible: “Jesus won’t come because He hasn’t come, i.e., things like this just don’t happen” and “We live in a closed system. God can’t intervene.” The ideology behind this is evolutionary humanism. It is taught in all schools, assumed by media, and perpetuated throughout popular culture. If you contradict it, you will be made to look like an uneducated fool. Sadly, far too many Christians are asleep at the wheel by going along to get along. Hopefully, you are attending a Bible believing church, read your Bible regularly, and make your daily decisions that reflect what it means to follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ (denying self-will and embracing God’s will no matter what the cost). For non-Christians, being asleep at the wheel leads to societal suicide and an eternity under God’s judgment.
“The early believers were not looking for something to happen, they were looking for Someone to come. Looking for the train to arrive is one thing, but looking for someone we love to come on that train is another matter.” Vance Havner