God’s Gift of Himself

“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:11

December 25, 2024

Jesus, our Savior. Jesus, the Messiah. What more could we ask? God declared Himself as God in the Person of His Son. That is stupendous. The birth of Jesus was God’s gift of Himself. He didn’t become God. He was declared to be Lord because He was Lord. God became incarnate in Christ in order that He might die for sinners and save them from their sins (Heb. 2:5). God became incarnate in order that He might share with humanity His own eternal life (Jn. 10:10). God became incarnate in order that He might provide for us an everlasting revelation of Himself in visible human form. Jesus was honored with the highest office in the universe because of His victory over sin and death. Jesus was God in His conception by the Holy Spirit. Jesus was God in bearing our sins in His body. Jesus, the God-Man, is coming again. There is a coming “Christmas.” But it won’t be in humiliation but in triumphant glory. Rejoice in that those who are His. The truth is that the Christmas carol, “Joy to the World,” is a hymn about His Second Coming. “Let earth receive her King…Let heaven and nature sing.”