In Remembrance of Me

“And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he gave it to them, and they all drank of it.” Mark 14:23

August 2, 2024

There are different ways we can remember special occasions. We recollect them sentimentally, an emotional moment that may not linger long. We can think about the significance of an event in the past that requires a special celebration, like an anniversary. Jesus drank from the cup of wine in the Passover meal and meant for His followers to think of its redness as representing His atoning blood. He gave His life in a violent death for the remission of sins. This is to be more than just an emotional moment. The price of our redemption was the highest price ever paid for anything in this universe. Hold on to such a remembrance with mental and spiritual tightness. We are announcing the fact that the lost are saved by placing their confidence in the atoning blood of Jesus Christ. Prepare yourself for that next time of worship by thinking upon our blessings in Christ. Revel in the prospect of the coming of Christ and His kingdom. That’s a memory with a future.
“O Lord of my salvation, how precious is your suffering for my sin. Guide me through my next communion of worship with preparation, meditation, and anticipation.”