“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,” Hebrews 12:1
January 1, 2025
We have a record of what pleases God. Others did it. By God’s grace so can we. Those who have preceded us in the faith can teach us lessons in running to win. No matter what sin, the world, or the devil throws at us, we can joyfully endure as overcomers. The Word of God in the hands of the Holy Spirit makes it possible to throw aside sin. How easily it can get a hold on us and knock us out of our winning lane. Sin entangles our feet. Are there certain sins that are especially attractive to you? Every sin we commit develops in us a taste for more sinning. How do I deal with the trials that threaten me? Tolerating an unhappy marriage, an unwillingness to discipline myself for godly living, allowing self-centered decision making, what is holding me back from the full joy of obeying God? The new year is upon us. It’s a good time for some Holy Spirit guided self-examination. Am I running to win the prize of a record that brings the pleasure of God?
“Thank you Lord for your patience with me. Make the challenges that face me in this coming year to be wings rather than weights.”