Scattered to be Gathered

“He will raise a signal for the nations and will assemble the banished of Israel, and gather the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.” Isaiah 11:12

May 10, 2023

As current events seem to conspire, the question is asked, are we drawing nearer to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ? We must be careful about trying to predict the time of the Lord’s return. But one thing we know from Scripture is that there will be two world-wide gatherings of Israel in unbelief. In Isaiah 11:11 we are told that there is yet a future regathering of the Jewish people (“second”). The final regathering of Israel is taking place. In the providence of God the existence of the state of Israel is highly significant. It was J.C. Ryle, an outstanding preacher in England in the 1800’s, who declared: “I believe that the Jews shall ultimately be gathered again as a separate nation, restored to their own land, and converted to the faith of Christ, after going through the great tribulation (Rom. 11:25-26).” In other words, the Messianic Kingdom is to be ushered in by the second restoration. The MacArthur Study Bible offers an excellent summary of God’s hand in bringing the Jews to where they belong: “The first return of Israel to her Land was from Egyptian captivity (Ex. 1426-29). The second will be from her world-wide dispersion.” The great arc of history is bending toward Christ’s return. Live hopefully, dear Christian friend, live hopefully. The Messiah and Savior is coming again.