The Danger of Drifting

“Therefore we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it.” Hebrews 2:1

July 7, 2023

Swimmers at the beach must exercise extra watchfulness, lest they drift into a rip current that can carry them into great danger. The writer of Hebrews writes to warn his readers of the danger of spiritual drifting. This can be called spiritual regression, or what has been known as “backsliding.” Unless great care is taken, believers can slide back into immaturity. The desire for comfort and security can pull us away from intimate, joyful fellowship with Christ. The winds of pain and suffering can carry us away from loving devotion to Christ. We can become resentful and hardened to the appeals of Scripture to go on to maturity in the faith. Is the tide of long-time habits and associations pulling you away from the study of the Scriptures? The pursuit of a career and bigger paychecks can cool off our prayer life until it is non-existent. What winds are blowing against you right now? Over time we can drift from our earlier, better self. How sad it is to see “driftwood Christians” who have lost their impact for Christ. Dear friend, don’t become one of those. Divine discipline is one of the consequences. The currents are swift and can easily sweep us away. The temptations that come with the storms of opposition and the lure of loving the world can carry us where we don’t want to go.
“Lord you are the captain of my ship of faith. Keep me alert to the ever present danger of letting the greatness of Christ slip away.”
“It is easy to drift with the current, but it is difficult to return against the stream.” Warren Wiersbe.