The Hurried Life

“Making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.” Ephesians 5:16

December 11, 2023

A barber shop of years gone by had a sign prominently displayed which said, “the hurrier I go the behinder I get.” Given the nature of this time of year we can easily get into a push-push approach to our daily lives. God’s instruction tells to be conscious of the value and use of time. Do not allow hurriedness to get in the way of holiness of life. Holiness is truth wrapped in love. There are ways to be intentional about serving other people for Christ’s sake. Remember those physically limited by age or afflictions. There are children who need smiles and kind attention. Patience is a wonderful gift to those who don’t deserve it. Think about giving a Gospel of John to someone and asking them to count the places where light is mentioned. Cookies to a neighbor who seems to be living a hurried life. Forgiveness of those who have treated us badly is a light that won’t go out. Financial gifts to Christian ministries that warrant our trust. Errands run for those who need some mercies. It’s interesting that awareness of evil all around is to be an incentive for wise, priority based living. Make sure those “to-do” lists are realistic and have God’s fingerprints on them.
“O Sovereign Lord over time and eternity, teach me how to pace myself as I run through my days with the cross of Christ and His Second Coming in mind.”