The Lord of History

“But in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world.” Hebrews 1:2

March 3, 2025

The book of Hebrews is incomparable in its exaltation of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Hebrew Christian needed a bigger Christ. Jesus Christ is better than anything the Old Covenant has to offer. The last days are upon us. They began with the resurrection and ascension of Jesus. What more could we ask than to be joint-heirs with Him? The word for “world” here may be translated ages, which refers to the vast periods of time along with all that transpires within them. Consider the stupendous creative power of Christ. Our galaxy is an average-sized spiral galaxy. Each galaxy itself contains some hundred thousand million stars. The most distant galaxy is eight billion light-years away and racing away at two hundred million miles an hour. Christ created every speck of dust in the hundred thousand million galaxies of the universe. “He has managed the universe throughout its history as Mediator under the Father. What a Savior! Everything has purpose because of Christ. By the way. Jesus Christ is light years better than AI and anything this world has to offer. If you know, praise Him.
“Lord of earth and all the galaxies, may Jesus Christ grow bigger in my life this year. Thank you for His growth-producing power.”