The Pitfall of Pride

“There are six things that the LORD hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes , a lying tongue…” Proverbs 6:16-17 

July 7, 2022

Do we hate the things that God hates? If we do, we will hate pride. There is a form of pride that finds satisfaction in the achievement of good things and quality work, “the virtue of the diligent.” This is not what God hates. His displeasure is inordinate self-congratulation, “the vice of the pompous.” As one writer has put it, “Significantly, cultural decay shows up wherever the first form of pride gives way to the second.” Our society is awash in “pride days,” the celebration of behaviors abhorrent to God. This moral decline has moved into every niche of national life. The narcissistic politician is adored by many. Like poisonous gas the self-fulfillment movement has invaded theology and pulpits, as gullible Christians breathe in the fumes of feeling better about themselves. Yet there is another subtle form of selfism that comes with “a feeling of moral superiority with respect to other people” (Respectable Sins by Jerry Bridges). This pit is covered over with the camouflage of political correctness and creating one’s own identity. Have you noticed how the word “feel” has replaced “think?” Theological and and objective truth has become difficult to find, as fascination with how we feel leads the parade of self-help books and therapists. Let’s stay on God’s side with what He hates. Pray for God to help in putting off pride and putting on the mantle of humility. Become fascinated with Jesus in the Gospels. Make worshiping God a dominating feature of your daily life. Prime your mental pump with a good book like Real Worship, It Will Transform Your Life, by Warren W. Wiersbe. Pursue a Christ-sufficient confidence rather than self-sufficiency. H

A time to pray: “Father, enable me to think more about how to serve others and experience the joy of biblical worship.”