The War Within

“Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?” Romans 7:24

November 17, 2023

Tunnels under a hospital for the purpose of deception and destruction. It’s not a perfect illustration, but it helps in giving us a picture of what the Christian is up against in his personal life. When we are born again and receive a new nature, when we are regenerated and become new creatures in Christ, a battle begins. When the Holy Spirit comes to indwell our hearts, there will be war. But don’t be discouraged. The Christian is free from the power of sin as his final and chief condition. Yes, there are tunnels within, as it were, where sin attempts to take over. Sin does not have the same tyrannical rule over the new me, but sin can gain mastery over me. Peter was said to be a “rock.” However, there was that night by a warm fire when he met a little slave girl. Peter said, “I don’t know what you are talking about.” He who claimed loyalty, yet denied his Savior. Jesus looked at him. Peter wept and wept. The sin that dwells within is an unwelcome guest with certain tactical advantages. Sin will try to get involved in everything we do. Shout this truth from the rooftops. We don’t have to yield to those tunneled impulses of sin within. Take the sword of the Word of God in hand. Those desires that conflict with where Jesus wants to take us can be laid in the dust. Are you winning those battles?
“The law of sin and the law of the Spirit of life in us are mortal enemies. If we are not spiritually wise in managing our souls, how can we help making a wreck of ourselves?” Kris Lundgaard, The Enemy Within.