The Woman and the Dragon

“His tail swept down a third of the stars of heaven and cast them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she bore her child he might devour it.” Revelation 12:4

October 25, 2023

If it were not for the U.S.A. Israel would be virtually friendless among the nations. It has been said that “hatred of the Jew has been humanity’s greatest hatred.” There is an element of truth in this. The world has never forgiven the Jews for spoiling their party of idolatry by having called the world to God and His moral law. Even more so is Satan’s war against Israel. In the vivid language of symbols, it was revealed to the apostle John that Satan, the red dragon, has waged war against Israel, the woman, from the time of her conception as a nation to the time of the birth of the Messiah. Satan knows what is in store for him through the Lord Jesus Christ who “is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron” (Rev. 12:5). The devil hates God and will attempt to keep God from fulfilling His covenant with Israel (the Abrahamic covenant, Gen. 12:1-3). But the cross of Christ signed the death warrant of Satan by crushing his head (Gen. 3:15). We are getting a preview of the force of evil to be arrayed against Israel in the Great Tribulation. We are now on the outskirts of hell in the surge of antisemitism sweeping the streets of our nation. Pray that the Spirit of God will open the eyes of sin-blinded unbelievers to the judgment of God looming on the horizon. Pray that the devil and his campaign of Jew-hatred will be held back. Pray that Israel will turn to her Messiah and that Gentiles will repent of the foolishness of treating the atoning work of Christ as if it were nothing.
“As at the first coming of Christ, so at the overthrow of Antichrist, the conversion of the Jews, there will be much joy.” Richard Sibbs