What’s Happening in Heaven?

“When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the witness they had borne.” Revelation 6:9

January 10, 2025

The fifth seal of the title deed to the universe reveals some of what happens in heaven during the Great Tribulation (include 6:10-11). It also tells us something about what it is like when we believers in Jesus Christ die and go into the presence of Christ. For one thing the white robes indicate the kind of body we will have in the present heaven before our bodies are raised from the dead. Here is what we can know: We go directly to be with Christ, we are protected and cared for, conscious, able to speak. We have some knowledge of what is happening on the earth. There is access and communion with Christ. We have some kind of “pre-resurrection” body and there is “resting,” namely, the enjoyment of satisfaction that God’s sovereign plan continues to unfold on planet earth. From all this we also know that there will be many Christian martyrs during the Tribulation. It’s safe to surmise that human anger and frustration will brim over upon the Rapture of the Church.
Dear fellow disciple of Christ, be prepared for the world’s increase in its hatred of Christians. One day God will vindicate His holiness and righteousness in dealing with the injustice and oppression which characterizes the human race.
Just a reminder, God has sent some snow for a picture of His forgiveness; “Though your sins are as scarlet, They will be whiter than snow;…”