Older Women

“Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good.” Titus 2:3

April 10, 2024

Changes in life, empty nest, widowhood, grandchildren, final years. These are some of the opportunities older women in a church family have to serve God. A healthy church is to be made up of older women who are devoting their remaining years to the display of inner beauty. We must not overlook the word “likewise.” Just as older men have a calling to pass on the truth of God to the next generation in word and deed, so do women whose graying hair is to be a witness to the same qualities as older men. Their reputation for fearing God and sacrificial service is to mirror their relationship to Jesus Christ. Their conversation is to be encouraging and faith-building. Older women will have ministries to younger women, helping them to deal with challenges of child rearing, marital conflicts, struggles, and confidences received. Which is to say that the older women must be careful about what they say and to whom they say it. Control of the tongue is to sweeten life not to create bitterness, spread gossip and its first cousin, slander.
Take some time as you start each day to pray for the older women you know. Don’t let them become invisible. A church family is rich when possessing the treasure of God-pursuing aging women whose presence radiates the beauty of Jesus Christ.
“O Sovereign Lord over the passing of our time on earth, I thank you for the women who have demonstrated your patience and kindness toward me.”